pm2 5 widget
pm2 5 widget

1-Selectthewidgetvisualstyle;PM2.5AQI.114,台灣仁武PM25(小顆粒物)measuredbyTAQM-TaiwanEnvironmentalProtectionAgency ...,評分4.8(46)·免費·iOSAlloftheairqualityinformationyouneedtoknowinTaiwan.WeproviderealtimeAQIaswellasthepollutantconcentrationofN...

在App Store 上的「IQAir AirVisual

評分4.7(4,178)·免費·iOS一款適合敏感人群(過敏、哮喘等),家庭,運動員、跑步者、騎自行車者和戶外運動者的必備APP。您可以通過獲取的健康建議、48小時預測來規劃最健康的一天,並查看實時全球空氣 ...

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1 - Select the widget visual style ; PM2.5 AQI. 114, 台灣仁武PM25 (小顆粒物) measured by TAQM - Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency ...

Taiwan Air, check PM2.5 easier

評分 4.8 (46) · 免費 · iOS All of the air quality information you need to know in Taiwan. We provide realtime AQI as well as the pollutant concentration of NO2, O3, SO2, CO, PM10, ...

在App Store 上的「IQAir AirVisual

評分 4.7 (4,178) · 免費 · iOS 一款適合敏感人群(過敏、哮喘等),家庭,運動員、跑步者、騎自行車者和戶外運動者的必備APP。您可以通過獲取的健康建議、48 小時預測來規劃最健康的一天,並查看實時全球空氣 ...

Downloadable Air Quality Widgets for Matsu

Real-time air pollution index for 100+ countries.

Air quality app & AQI widget

評分 4.0 (273) · 免費 · Android The app displays concentrations of fine particulate matter PM10, coarse particulate matter PM2.5, nitrogen oxide NO, sulfur dioxide SO2, ozone O3 and other ...

IQAir AirVisual | Air Quality

評分 4.7 (318,094) · 免費 · Android + Real-time air pollution city ranking: Track the best and worst cities by air quality and pollution for 100+ locations worldwide, based on live PM2.5 ...

AQI Widget Explanation

These widgets will allow your organization to provide real-time air quality data to the people you want to reach on your own website in a various formats.

AirVisual Air Quality Data: Widget - Commercial

Display the contrast between indoor and outdoor conditions in your chosen location using data from an AirVisual Series monitor and its nearest outdoor station.


J霧霾是台灣空氣污染監測類評分第一的App ,主要監測懸浮粒子(PM2.5與PM10)的單位濃度,並且有三日預報功能及預報通知。使用者也可以依個人習慣,設定以列表 ...


1-Selectthewidgetvisualstyle;PM2.5AQI.114,台灣仁武PM25(小顆粒物)measuredbyTAQM-TaiwanEnvironmentalProtectionAgency ...,評分4.8(46)·免費·iOSAlloftheairqualityinformationyouneedtoknowinTaiwan.WeproviderealtimeAQIaswellasthepollutantconcentrationofNO2,O3,SO2,CO,PM10, ...,評分4.7(4,178)·免費·iOS一款適合敏感人群(過敏、哮喘等),家庭,運動員、跑步者、騎自行車者和戶外運動者的必備APP。您可以通過獲取...